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We are living in the 21st century which is the modern era. This century satisfies the hunger of people need through various modern technologies and one of them is the ‘Internet’.  Robert E. Kahn and Vint Cerf are the inventors


How To Reduce Your Online Coursework Stress?

Students nowadays suffer from a lot of stress and anxiety and coursework is a big part for children’s education and when your child is overwhelmed or frustrated by your coursework and that can have a negative impact on their ability


10 Tips To Reduce Assignments Stress In Students

Meltdown due to assignments is quite popular nowadays. Students are facing issues in coping with assignments they get from college. Professors bombarded daily assignments on students without paying heed to students' problems. Assignments have now become a never-ending pile of


How to prepare for the exams

An exam is not just a sheet of paper which decides the future but it also examines the theoretical knowledge and ability of every student. Whenever students hear the term ‘exam', they feel anxious and are not able to deal

finance assignments

How to deal with finance assignments?

Finance assignments can be boring and time-consuming. Most often they require a lot of time because you have to solve multiple sets of problems. In case, you are already having a super-busy schedule, because of your sports practice, part-time job


Goal setting Toolkit for students

Students aspire a lot. Some want to build a strong career, whereas some aspire to be an all-rounder. Everybody must have some goals in their minds to give a purpose to their actions and a direction to their lives. If